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Monumental Care for Objects of Folk Architecture in the Context of Rural Tourism and Agrotourism
Katarína Beličková
42 - 44
Článok / Article
Exploitation of Industrial Buildings Potencial and their Conversion to Social and Cultural Centres on an Example of Bratislava
Petra Kalová
45 - 47
Článok / Article
Deserted Castle of Zvolen - Castle Hill Transformation from Ancient Times to the Present
Ján Beljak, Noémi Beljak Pažinová
48 - 52
Článok / Article
Wooden Religious Architecture of the Prešov Region in the Environmental Context
Dominik Sabol
53 - 55
Kontakty / Contacts
Watermills as Important Elements of Cultural Landscape
Zdeněk Lipský
56 - 57
Kontakty / Contacts
Small Chapels, Statues and Crosses Placed in the Countryside
Marta Kanderková
57 - 62
Kontakty / Contacts
Landscape Structure and Biodiversity of Woody Plants in the Agricultural Landscape
Lenka Lackóová (Grešová)
62 - 63
Recenzia / Review
Imprint 48/1
Tiráž / Imprint


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